Sa’dulla Abdullayev Interview

December 2014 interview with Sa’dulla Abdullayev, producer of Shahrizoda. English translation provided by Zohidjon Khurbonov.

Sizni “Shahrizoda” guruhining prodyuseri sifatida ham bilamiz. Shu guruhning bugungi kundagi faoliyati va umuman, bu guruhning tashkil qilinishidan asosiy maqsad?

 Guruh 2003 yilda tashkil topgan! To‘g‘risini aytsam, juda ko‘p san’atkorlarga yordam beramiz, misol uchun, bitta qo‘shig‘i bilan ko‘tarilib ketgan san’atkorlarning o‘sha qo‘shiqlari shu yerda tug‘ilgan. San’atkorlarimiz yaxshi, hammalari ukalarimiz, singillarimiz. Ammo, to‘y-hashamlar bo‘lganida, do‘stlarimiz to‘yga aytganida, shu san’atkorlarni chaqiramiz, desak, ularning vaqtlari bo‘lmay qoladi. Shundan kelib chiqib, “shu yerda bir guruh tashkil qilib qo‘yaylik, o‘zimizning oshna-og‘aynilarning to‘y-hashamlari uchun, tanish-bilishlar uchun” degan maqsad bilan, “Shahrizoda” guruhi tashkil qilingan.

We know you as the producer of the group ‘’Shahrizoda’’.  In general, could you tell us about the group and its establishment?

The group was founded in 2003! To tell you the truth, we help many musicians, for example, those who became famous even when their first song was created.  Our musicians are good; all of them are our brothers and sisters. But when it comes to weddings and other celebrations, we call them – and sometimes they do not have the free time to come and sing at these invited celebrations.  That is why we created Shahrizoda, just for the purpose of our nearest and dearest one’s celebrations.

“Shahrizoda” guruhi faqat qizlardan iborat. Qizlar bilan ishlash biroz qiyinroq. Chunki, shaxsiy hayot, ertaga oila qurib, ijoddan ketishi mumkin.

Juda ham to‘g‘ri! Boshida guruhga qizlar tanlangach, men ularga 10 yillik shartnoma qilib, ishni boshladim. Shartnoma tuzish butun jahonda bor, ammo bunday shartnoma O‘zbekistonda o‘tmas ekan! Chunki, bitta xonandaga katta mablag‘ sarf etib, tayyorlab, sahnaga olib chiqqandan keyin, qiz bola, “turmushga chiqaman” deydi! Urish-janjal qilish, yoki sudga berish kerak emas ekan, chunki ota-onasi keladi, “men qizimni baxtli bo‘lishini hohlayman!” deb turib oladi! “Buni vaqtliroq o‘ylamadingizmi?” desangiz, “yo‘q, men qizimni turmushga berishim kerak!” deydi! Bo‘ldi, tamom! Shundan buyon guruhdagi xonanda qizlar bilan hech qanday shartnomasiz ishlayman! Shuning uchun, xonanda qizlar kelib, guruhda ishlab, qachon “turmushga chiqaman” desa, “menga bu haqida bir oy avval aytib qo‘ygin” deb, tayinlayman. Toki, men ham o‘rniga boshqa xonanda qizni tayyorlab ulguray! Mana guruh, qizlar kelib ijod qilishadi, ishlashadi. Turmushga chiqadigan mahali sal vaqtliroq aytsa, o‘rniga yana boshqa xonanda qizni tayyorlab, ishga olaman!

Shahrizoda consists only of girls. It is hard to work with girls. Because of their personal lives, and their future marriage, I mean, they will get married and then leave the group. 

That is right! When I selected only girls to be in the group, I agreed to work with them by having a 10-year contract. You have contracts all over the world but that does not sometimes work in Uzbekistan. Because when you spend a huge amount of money on a person, make her ready to be popular, afterwards the time comes that she needs to get married! There is no need to get in an argument with a girl, and bring a claim to court, because their parents come to me and say that we want her to get married and see her happy!  Still if you ask them, “why didn’t you think about that earlier?” In response, they say, “NO – I must make her engaged and have a wedding, that is it!”

Afterwards, I began to work with girls in the group without a contract! Thus, I told them if you want to work in this group that is fine, but when you are going to leave the group because of your marriage then make sure that you inform me at least a month in advance.  So, then I will have time to prepare another girl to replace her.

Demak, “Shahrizoda” guruhi a’zolari turmushga chiqqach, guruhda ishlashi mumkinmas?

Turmushga chiqqach, qanday qilib, guruhda ishlaydi? Bu yog‘i o‘zbekchilik, turmushga chiqqach, ko‘pincha uyda o‘tirishiga to‘g‘ri keladi, chunki birinchi o‘rinda oila! Qolaversa, ko‘p erkaklar turmush o‘rtog‘ini ishlatmaydi, uyda farzand tarbiyasi bilan shug‘ullanishini istaydi. Buni shohidi bo‘lganmiz. Qolaversa, to‘ydan 5-6 oy o‘tib, baribir homiladorlik ta’tiliga chiqadi. Yakkaxon xonandalar turmushga chiqqach ham, ijodini davom ettira oladi. Ammo, guruhda bittasi turmushga chiqsa, qolgan 2 tasi ham uni farzandli bo‘lishini kutib, uyda o‘tiradimi? (samimiy kuladi) Buni sira iloji yo‘q! Guruh o‘z ijodini boshqa qiz bilan davom ettirishiga to‘g‘ri keladi!

So when Shahrizoda girls get married they are not allowed to work in the group anymore?

After getting married, how they can work in the group?  You know, that is our Uzbek mentality after getting married – they should mostly focus on family because family takes first place. Moreover, most husbands do not allow their wives to work, but rather stay at home and take care of the children’s upbringing and culture.  Furthermore, after the wedding and 5 – 6 months have passed, they will be asking permission to take a rest because of their pregnancy.  Individual singers may continue their career after their wedding, but if one of the group members gets married, then do you think the other two should wait for that one to give birth and do nothing until such time she comes back? That is impossible!  The group must go ahead with another girl!

Guruhda ketma-ket qizlarning almashishi, guruhni omma orasida tanilishiga, reytingiga ta’sir ko‘rsatmaydimi?

(kulib) Shuning uchun ham, men “Shahrizoda” guruhining faqat qo‘shiqlari bilan shug‘ullanaman! Chunki, guruh ishtirokida endi bitta klip suratga oldirib, uni tayyor qilib, endi telekanallarga berib, namoyish etila boshlanganda, albatta, guruhda bitta qiz o‘zgaradi! Undan so‘ng, yana endi yangi klip oldik, deganda yana bittasi o‘zgaradi! Shu paytgacha guruhda 12 ta qiz bo‘ldi, nechtasi turmushga chiqdi va men nechta nevarali bo‘ldim! (kuladi) Shuning uchun ham, qizlarga tayinlayman, “menga bir oy vaqt beringlar” deyman. “Shahrizoda” guruhiga ishga kelaman, degan qizlar juda ham ko‘p. Ammo, ulardan qobiliyati bormi, guruhga mos keladimi, tanlab, tayyorlab chiqaramiz.

What do you think: does replacing girls affect the rating of the group and its popularity?

(Laughs) That is why I only focus on the songs of Shahrizoda! Because as aforementioned, when you do the best for the sake of one’s popularity, there is always someone that needs to be replaced.  After that, when you have done everything, make her ready, and then she also might be replaced! So far, there have been 12 girls in the group who have come and left. So many of them got married, and I became a grandfather to many grandchildren (laughs). That is why I tell girls to inform me in advance in case they are going to leave.  There are many girls who want to join and work for Shahrizoda, but we select the best ones and make them ready.

Qizlardan iborat guruhning shunday qiyinchiliklari bor ekan, nega yigitlardan guruh tuzmagansiz?

Vaqti kelganda tuzganman. Lekin, ular ham qaysidir ma’noda sal ko‘tarilgandan keyin bilmadim, tekkan “kasal”mi, “burni ko‘tarilib” keyin biz ham chetga chiqib qolamiz. O‘zi birinchi yigitlar bilan ishlaganman. Nomini aytib o‘tirmayman! Undaylar ko‘p, bitta emas!

If it is that much more difficult to work with girls, why you did not create a group with only boys?

For the first time, I worked with boys but I do not know whether popularity is sickness or something that changes a person!  You know, when they became famous they also change, and even I am left out of the attention.  Therefore, I don’t want to name them because they are not one, they are many!


Source: (site in Uzbek Cyrillic)