Changes coming – and new Shahrizoda line-up!

Hi everyone, it’s been a long time between updates, and I apologise for that.

I have SO many things that I want to post on here and no, I haven’t given up on the site, I have had other priorities that have taken up a lot of my time.

Firstly, I am planning to do a layout/theme update on the site, so bare with me as I get that sorted out. I realise that the About Shahrizoda page is a bit of a mess and it needs updating, and I’ll do that as soon as I can. WordPress has some new features and it’ll take time to get my head around it.

Secondly, Shahrizoda have a new line-up which was announced around May 2021. I’ll share a picture for you below:

The newest line-up of Shahrizoda, Farangiz, Shohsanam and Guljahon.

Their names, from left to right: Farangiz, Shohsanam and Guljahon.

They appeared on Uzbek TV show Omon-Omon in December 2021 where they were interviewed. I don’t understand Uzbek and there are no English subtitles. If there is anyone out there who could figure out what they are saying, that would be wonderful! They sing two songs – one sounds like it’s performed live, and Guljahon plays the dutor which is great. Then they sing their version of “Dutor bilan men” (originally sung by Shahnoza S, Zebo and Risolat) at the end of the interview. This is a lip-synced performance as is usually the case with Uzbek TV/concerts.

Enjoy! I will hopefully have more updates for you all soon.

Wherever you are in the world, please stay safe and well!

Interview with Shahrizoda’s producer, Sa’dulla Abdullayev

Shahrizoda with their producer (on the right)

Shahrizoda (Risolat, Zebo and Shahnoza) with their producer (on the right).

I’m so excited to have found this. An interview with the producer of Shahrizoda (Uzbek Cyrillic), Sa’dulla Abdullayev. I was able to get an Uzbek friend to translate the part about the girls for me. It’s quite insightful.

Shu paytgacha guruhda 12 ta qiz bo‘ldi, nechtasi turmushga chiqdi va men nechta nevarali bo‘ldim! (kuladi) Shuning uchun ham, qizlarga tayinlayman, “menga bir oy vaqt beringlar” deyman.

Translation: So far, there have been 12 girls in the group who have come and left. So many of them got married, and I became a grandfather to many grandchildren (laughs). That is why I tell girls to inform me in advance (“Give me a month’s time”) in case they are going to leave.

Read the entire part about Shahrizoda here, in Uzbek and English.